
In this Blog, my intent is to share code snippets with other developers to make use of the provided code base to meet their specific scenarios.
  • Design Patterns

    In this section, explained step by step process of implementing different Design patterns while building applications along with SOLID principals. GitHub Source

  • Web Programming

    In this section, explained different web programming concepts like ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC and AngularJS etc.

  • Validations

    This section illustrates on how to extend ValidationAttribute and create custom validations to meet specific validation requirements using Data Annotations while working with Entity Framework, POCO objects, MVC and Web Api concepts. GitHub Source

  • C#

    In this section, explained different ways of C# concepts like Object Oriented Programming, C# Syntax and Feature differences

  • EF (Entity Framework)

    In this section, tried to explain step by step process of implementing Entity Framework in your solution following Code First, Database First and Model First approaches. GitHub Source

  • Database

    Explains different individual complexed and very handy SQL queries

  • Helpful

    In this section, explained different individual concepts

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