Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Creating First Application using AngularJS

Here you will learn the important basics of an AngularJS application along with step by step of creating your first application.

ng-app - used to define and link an AngularJS application with HTML

ng-model - is a directive which helps to bind the vlues of AngularJS application data to HTML controls

ng-bind - this is the actual directive which binds the AngularJS application data to HTML tags

How AngularJS Integrates with HTML
  • ng-app directive starts the AngularJS application
  • ng-model then creates the required variables which can be used within HTML
  • ng-bind uses the created model to be displayed as part of HTML page

Use below instructions/steps to start creating your first AngularJS application
  • As AngularJS is based on pure JavaScript framework, this JavaScript library can be referenced/added as below either by using <script> tag
    <script src = "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.14/angular.min.js"></script>
    OR including required library files using NuGet packages
    • Create an empty project using Visual Studio
    • Using Manage Nuget option refer AngularJS to the project
    • Refer or include the required JavaScript files using <script> tag as part of Index.html
  • One of the example AngularJS application structure can look like below
    • index.html - contains all the referenced/included files with ng-app definition
    • app.js - contains the ng-module definition along with application level constant variable and required module includes
    • appScripts - this folder contains all the customized folders with .js and .html file definitions with actual code
    • Scripts - folder contains the extracted Nuget package library files required to include to work with AngularJS
  • Run your AngularJS application by launching it using index.html page as startup page

With this I am concluding the illustration. Feel free to share your feedback.

Happy Programming !!!

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