Monday, December 3, 2018

Angular Advantages

Below are the Advantages of using working with different versions of Angular starting 2.0 onwards:

Using Angular 2
  • Completely Component based
  • Better Change detection
  • Better Performance
  • Powerful Template system
  • Simpler API, lazy loading and easy to debug application
  • More testable
  • Provides nested level components
  • Ahead of Time Compilation (AOT) improves rendering speed
  • Can run more than two programs at the same time
  • Structural directive syntax is changed, like *ngFor instead of ng-repeat
  • Local variables are defined using hash(#) prefix
  • TypeScript can be used for developing this version of application
  • Better Syntax and Application Structure
Using Angular 4
  • Router ParamMap is introduced
  • Animations
  • ngIf can also be used with Else
  • Dynamic components with NgComponentOutlet
  • TypeScript 2.1/2.2
  • Strict NULL Checks
Using Angular 5
  • Smaller & Faster Applications
  • View engine size reduce
  • Animation package
  • NgIf and NgFor Improvement
  • Template
  • Use of AS keyword
  • Pipes
  • HTTP Request Simplified
  • Apps Testing Simplified
  • Introduce Meta Tags
  • Added some Forms validators attributes
  • Added compare select options
  • Enhancement in Router
  • Added optional parameter
  • Improvement Internationalization
Using Angular 6
  • Angular Elements are fully supported
  • Improved Component Dev Kit (CDK)
  • Improved Command Line Interface (CLI)
  • Improved Service Worker
  • Updated Web Pack
  • Multiple Form Validators
Using Angular 7
  • New interface - UrlSegment[] to canLoad interface
  • New Interface - DoBootstrap
  • New compiler - Compatibility Compiler (ngcc)
  • New pipe called KeyvaluePipe
  • Supporting TypeScrpt 2.9 and Added Virtual Scrolling and Frag & Drop
  • Added new elements features - enable Shadow DOM v1 and slots
  • New router features
  • New mappings for ngFactory and ngSummary files
  • New "Original" placeholder value on extracted XMB
  • Added new ability to recover from malformed URLs
  • Added new compiler support "dot (.)" in import statements
  • Updated compilter to flatten "nested template fns"

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